When One Might Need to Consult an ENT Specialist.


Having an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist on your medical team is a great thing. They can be helpful for many conditions that are otherwise hard to diagnose Say’s Dr Paul DragoIf you have hearing loss.

  • If you have hearing loss. Hearing loss is a common problem, and it can be caused by many different factors. It can be temporary or permanent, but most often it’s both–and treating it requires a combination of treatments that vary depending on the cause of your specific case.
  • If you have trouble breathing through your nose. Some people experience difficulty breathing through their noses because they suffer from nasal congestion due to allergies or other conditions like sleep apnea (a disorder where breathing stops while sleeping). This causes pressure inside the sinuses, which may lead them to feel blocked up when trying to breathe through their noses–or even make them feel like they need their mouth open all the time!

If you have nasal obstruction.

Nasal obstruction is a common problem that can be caused by allergies, colds, sinus infections and polyps. Nasal obstruction means there is difficulty breathing through the nose because of blockage in or around the nostrils.

Nasal polyps are non-cancerous growths on or in tissue lining inside your nose that can cause significant problems with breathing if left untreated. They often require surgery to remove them if they are large enough to cause problems with breathing through your nose.

If you have a lump in your neck about the size of a pea or larger that has not gone away over the past one to two weeks.

If you have a lump in your neck about the size of a pea or larger that has not gone away over the past one to two weeks, it is important to see a specialist as soon as possible. Lumps in the neck can be cancerous or non-cancerous. If it turns out to be cancerous, it will need treatment right away so that it does not spread to other areas of your body.

If you have recurrent nosebleeds.

If you have recurrent nosebleeds, it is important to see an ENT specialist. This can be caused by a variety of factors including:

  • A deviated septum (a deviation in the nasal bone)
  • Allergies or infections that result in inflammation of the nasal passages

If you have frequent nosebleeds, you should consult an ENT specialist who may order a CT scan of your sinuses and/or brain

If you are experiencing hoarseness and it has not improved after a few weeks.

Hoarseness is a symptom of many different conditions. It can be caused by infection, inflammation, or cancer. If hoarseness persists for more than a few weeks, see your doctor to determine the cause and treatment options.

If you are experiencing hoarseness and it has not improved after a few weeks of self-care measures such as hot liquids and restful sleep, or if you have other symptoms such as pain with swallowing or sore throat with fever (fever >100 degrees F), then see an ENT specialist immediately!

ENT specialists can be very helpful for a variety of conditions.

ENT specialists are doctors who specialize in the ear, nose, and throat. They can help with a variety of conditions including hearing loss, nasal obstruction (such as a deviated septum), lumps in the neck or throat area, recurrent nosebleeds and hoarseness.


ENT specialists can be very helpful for a variety of conditions. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, it is important that you schedule an appointment with an ENT doctor as soon as possible.

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